Gottlieb Foundation Supports RCS

We express our gratitude to the Gottlieb Foundation for their grant support of $5,000.
As we continue to help neighbors in need, we are grateful to those who partner with us to keep the good going.
As we play our part of altruism, it is so encouraging to have those to believe what we are doing and enabling us to be a place of hope and relief especially to those who struggle with food insecurity.

The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation has been operating since 1976 with two main purposes. We offer grants to individual visual artists through two programs: an annual Individual Support Grant and a separate program to assist visual artists in cases of catastrophic events through an Emergency Grant program. We also maintain an archive on the art and life of Adolph Gottlieb and organize exhibitions of his art and that of others.

Thank you Gottlieb Foundation. Learn about them below: