A meeting with City Councilmember Susan Zhuang to help with food insecurity

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with City Councilmember Susan Zhuang, and I am delighted to inform you that she has not only visited our Reaching-Out Program multiple times but has also expressed her wholehearted support for our organization's efforts.
Susan Zhuang is keen on collaborating with us to provide hope and relief to the thousands of individuals in the communities we serve. Her commitment to supporting our cause is truly inspiring, and I am confident that together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need.
I am grateful for Susan's willingness to join hands with us as we work towards ensuring food security and assistance for those facing challenging times. This partnership holds immense potential for amplifying our impact and reaching even more people who desperately require help and support.
Let us continue to keep the good going and uplift those in need. I am hopfull about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to the positive changes we can create together.
Thank you, Susan, for your dedication and support. Here's to a brighter future for our community.
We are so gratefull to those supporting our mission's goal, and that is to offer hope and releif to thousands that are facing food insecurity. Please support and parnter with us here: https://rcsprograms.org/support-us/make-a-donation/