Advent Gravesend Church provides a $5,000.00 Blessing

Advent Gravesend Church located at 1209 Avenue P in Brooklyn provides a $5,000.00 Blessing for our Food pantry program to help neighbors in need. A member of the church delivers a food drive along with a $5,000 check to help our organization. Situations like this bring such great encouragement to us knowing that we are not alone in keeping the good going for others.

We are grateful to Pastor Spann and the church members for their support to help those who struggle with food insecurity. The increasing numbers of families seeking assistance has put us in a challenge like never before.  Support we are able to receive would make a world of a difference in the way we can help those who need this program.

Thank you so much Advent Gravesend Church for expressing your faith with your concern and love for others.