Category Archives: Events

2022 Backpact & School Supplies Event

Our Annual Backpack & School supplies event was a wonderful success thanks to our Main Sponsor and supporters that made it all possible to provide supplies to hundreds of children.  Our staff and volunteers made it possible to run well and we all had a great day of doing so. Thank you everyone! We make…
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Backpack & Supplies Event 2022

Please help Sponsor Children :  Our organization once again will provide Backpacks & Supplies to hundreds of children that are registered with our Food Pantry program on August 27, 2022. Throughout the years we helped these children of low-income families start off their school year with the needed supplies without the fear of affording the…
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Thanksgiving-Operation Gobbler Giving 2021

Helping 950 Neighbors in Need for Thanksgiving Day. Thanks to many people that helped to make it happen. Reaching-Out Community Services and The Rotary Club of Verrazano teamed together once again to provide Turkeys and all the trimmings to over 650 families, and as a substitute we provided Roasters for those who requested the preference…
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Operation Christmas Smiles 2020 Event

Each year we provide toys for over 1,000 children who are registered with our food program. This event is provided for low-income children. Due to the pandemic this year, we will not be able to conduct our indoor events. Nevertheless, we will be distributing toys at our location through an outdoor event. The amount of…
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Operation Gobbler Giving Event 2020

Each year, we provide a turkey and a food package for families in need. During this time do to the covid-19 situation, we will provide a limited Thanksgiving event to help as many families as possible with whatever support we are able to secure. Please help sponsor families, $20 will help sponsor a family. Use…
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